How can we help?
All of our educators are experienced & knowledgeable in their field. They are determined to help you achieve your academic/career goals.
With each session, you can expect:
1. A session focused on YOU.
2. A detailed plan for the session.
3. A roadmap to your goal.
4. A document with all information reviewed during the session.
5. A follow-up email with extra resources to help you academically.
Nursing Courses
Maternal / Newborn Nursing
Community Health
Evidence - Based Practice
Psychiatric / Mental Health
Exam Preparation
NCLEX Preparation
TEAS Preparation
Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools (CGFNS) Qualifying Exam
Anatomy & Physiology I
Anatomy & Physiology II
Organic Chemistry
High School Mathematics
Collegiate Mathematics
Medical Mathematics
Book a Session
30 min
1 hr
90 US dollars1 hr
95 US dollars- Available OnlineRead More
For high school seniors & college students looking to matriculate into a nursing program.
1 hr
80 US dollars 1 hr
75 US dollars1 hr
75 US dollars1 hr
75 US dollars- Available OnlineRead More
This session is for International Nurses who must take the CGFNS exam before NCLEX.
1 hr
95 US dollars